The CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision, and Safety for Technical Processes is an biennial symposium initiated by the Professional Committee on Fault Diagnosis and Safety for Technical Processes, Chinese Association of Automation. It provides a forum for scientists and engineers over the world to present their new theoretical results and techniques,enhance exchanges and cooperation, and promote further progress  in this field.


     The 13th symposium  (CAA SAFEPROCESS 2023) will be held in Yibin, Sichuan, China from September 22 to September 24, 2023. The symposium consists of keynotes talks, invited sessions, oral sessions, and poster sessions,etc. Its proceedings will be submitted to IEEE for publication.


Scope(including but not limited to)

    CAA SAFEPROCESS 2023 accepts manuscripts on both theory and application. Its scope includes but not limited to the following theoretical topics or special session proposals:


Theoretical topics:

T01 Model based diagnosis

T02 Data-driven diagnosis methods

T03 Process supervision

T04 Active fault diagnosis methods

T05 Condition monitoring and fault prediction

T06 Safety and security of cyber-physical systems

T07 Fault-tolerant control methods

T08 Diagnosis and FTC of discrete-event systems

T09 Structural methods of fault diagnosis and FTC

T10 Statistical methods for fault diagnosis

T11 Soft computing methods for fault diagnosis

T12 Safety-critical systems

T13 Structural health monitoring

T14 Systems identification and states estimation

T15 Safety of instruments and control systems

T16 Risk estimation of control systems

T17 Self-healing control

T18 Nondestructive testing technology and equipment

T19 Real time security evaluation of control system


Special Session:

S01 Intelligent Maintenance and Reliability of Aviation Equipment

S02 Data-driven Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control for Complex Industrial Systems

S03 System Safety Cognition, Diagnosis and Decision Based on Data Intelligence 

S04 Intelligent Brewing Equipment and Quality Control of Baijiu

S05 Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Health Management of Mine Electromechanical Equipment

S06 Intelligent maintenance and fault diagnosis in the railway transportation system

S07 Real-Time Safety Assessment for Dynamic Systems

S08 Intelligent nondestructive testing and signal processing

S09 Research on operating condition recognition, optimal control and intelligent operation and maintenance of complex systems

S10 Research on abnormal monitoring, fault diagnosis and health management of complex equipment

S11 Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Safety Control of Complex Systems

S12 Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control of Aircraft

S13 Underwater robot condition monitoring and fault prediction


and the following application topics


A01 Aeronautics and aerospace systems

A02 Automotive applications

A03 Electrical, mechanical and mechatronic systems

A04 Chemical systems

A05 Networked systems

A06 Process engineering applications

A07 Biosystems

A08 Production systems

A09 Marine systems

A10 Power systems and networks

A11 Robotics


Submission of a regular paper:
1. CAA SAFEPROCESS 2023 only accepts English manuscripts. 
2. The submitted manuscripts should contain sufficient details including key concepts and novel features of the work.
3. The manuscripts must be formatted according to IEEE’s Two-Column Format for Conference Proceedings and not exceed 6 pages including all text, reference, appendices, and figures. The submissions should be in PDF format which is IEEE PDF eXpress compliant.


Submission of a long abstract:
1. The submitted long abstract should include the research background and significance, main research work, experiments or simulations, conclusions and all other related contents;
2. The long abstract paper should be formatted according to IEEE’s Two-Column Format for Conference Proceedings and submitted in PDF format;
3. The long abstract paper will be included in the conference proceedings, but will not be indexed in the IEEE Xplore Library (No assignment of copyright);
4. The registration fee for long abstracts is the same as that for regular papers





The CAA SAFEPROCESS 2023 will publish a Conference Proceedings. The conference papers accepted after review will be submitted to IEEE for further review and will be included in IEEE Xplore Library. After all conference papers and long abstracts are employed, the authors need to register and make oral presentation or post presentation. Regular conference papers without presentations will not be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Library.


     The links of templates and instructions for preparing the manuscript are provided below:
     MS Word: [Word_instructions_*.rar
     LaTex: [LaTex_instructions_*.rar]


Download:CAA SAFEPROCESS 2023_Poster_template

Important Dates

Deadline for Submission: April 15th30th, 2023

Acceptance Notification: May 31st, 2023

Date of Conference: September 22-24, 2023

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